Visuel principal
Translations in each room.


Visuel de l'Application mobile
L'application de visite/ Free app
L'application de visite/ Free app
  • Free, multilingual guide and map. Contains practical information for visiting the museum and understanding how the collections are arranged. Available in French, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Italian.


  • Free app that can be downloaded to your smartphone (IOS, Android): Coming soon
    • A comprehensive, 45-minute audio tour of the museum in French, English, Spanish and Provençal
    • An audio-description application for those with visual impairments
    • You can visit the museum differently with the music guide “Journey of 10”. A musical tour of ten stations in the permanent exhibition.


  • A general guide to the collections on sale in the store (coming soon)




  • To meet the needs of the general public and those with a visual disability, a touch tour of objects has been created by the company Tactile Studio. The installation of 10 devices along the route allows everyone to follow the same visitor experience. The devices have been designed to be used by all visitors, especially families who will appreciate the fun aspect.
Le jeu multimedia Game of Rhône
Game of Rhône © Museon Arlaten
Game of Rhône © Museon Arlaten
  • The route through the museum is supported by digital tools that provide additional or more detailed information about the collections that can be read, listened to and watched in French, English and Spanish.

    Image, sound and interactivity are used to showcase the objects, revealing their secrets and enhancing the visitor experience. These unique perspectives mean that visitors can more easily interpret what they are seeing. However, there is no question of making heritage treasures disappear behind all kinds of screens! To the contrary, they are given a new lease of life through the multiple opportunities to offer more detailed information, discoveries and historical contexts.

    At the end of the sequence, interpretation spaces provide a review of what has been seen using films, games and quizzes on interactive screens. Other spaces are more poetic, offering visitors places where they can consider genuine multimedia creations, sound and image frescos that combine scientific words with artistic vision.